Saturday, August 17, 2013

Doily Fans!

For the gender reveal party I made some doily fans, which is a necessity at a Texas BBQ!  These are also perfect for a summer wedding and ridiculously easy!

Doilies (you need 2 doilies per fan).  You can buy these cheap at Michaels $1.99 for 16 or for something less traditional check out Knot and Bow on Etsy. 
Popsicle sticks
Cup about the size of the middle of the doily 
Hot glue
Foam brush
Elmer's glue or rubber cement
Trace the cup onto the cardstock (you need 2 circles per fan)
Cut the circles out
Use white glue or rubber cement to paint glue onto the cardstock
Press a cardstock circle onto the middle of the doily
Use your fingers to smooth out any bubbles
Once both doilies are dry, hot glue a Popsicle stick about one inch in to the back of one doily/cardstock
Align the other doily/cardstock on top and hot glue the Popsicle stick and cardstock
Go around the edges and glue the doilies to each other
Let it dry

Doily fan complete!  Stick these in large mouth mason jars on a table outside your ceremony and you will have very happy guests!

My niece modeling the fans!

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