Sunday, May 12, 2013

And We're Married...

My Coundown of the 5 BEST Moments of the BEST Day!
5. The toasts. Hands down best ever. We are so loved.
4. Completely destroying the cake by stabbing it with a cake server instead of a knife. It was such a mess, but Quinn of course thought it was hilarious (why I married him).
3. All of our friends & family circling around us to sing Don't Stop Believin'.  We love that song (who doesn't!) and there was so much love and excitement in that room it was surreal.
2. My Dad stroking my hand as I had a mild panic attack before walking down the aisle. I was so nervous and my Dad just kept reassuring me that everything was perfect.
1. Seeing Quinn for the first time and being so overcome with emotion, I wanted to cry, smile, run down the aisle, scream "I love you", it was incredible.


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